How to Create Simple PHP Website

Do you want to create PHP web design but aren’t sure where to begin? The creation of an easy PHP website can put you on the path toward web-based development.

Learn PHP website design in depth by enrolling in PHP Training in Chennai to gain a deep understanding of PHP design and development.

What you’ll need to create a PHP-powered website design

Before you begin make sure that you have a basic Text editor, or PHP ready development environment. You can begin coding PHP using a tool similar to Windows Notepad. The examples in this tutorial were written using Notepad ++.>

It is also recommended to be able to connect to you have a PHP webserver that you can connect your file to. This could include a server that is remote or a personal computer that has an WAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) environment installed. If you’re running Windows or Windows Server, you can use the WAMP setup guide in order to begin.

Then, you’ll require an FTP software to upload your files onto your website server.

Understand Syntax To Code A Simple Website Utilizing PHP

The syntax used in the basic syntax of PHP employs a set brackets that are angled, with every function ending with an apostrophe, such as this:

<?php [CODE…CODE]; ?>

For web pages, nearly every usage of PHP depends on echo statements. This tells the browser to display the content and text within the quotation marks. Examples:

<?php print(“Hello World”)?>

Be aware you should note HTML is also included in the quotation marks. The output of the above would usually appear as:

Create a Website Using PHP’s Structure

Whatever you’re writing for your site with You must be aware of the structure of the site prior to proceeding. This tutorial will teach you how to build an entire page from reused PHP files. They can be used to create more pages, or you could select a different strategy.

In whatever form you see the website developing make sure to write down a sketch on paper. It is possible to refer back to it, possibly to look up the intended content or to determine which website to link it to.

Take note that creating a PHP web pages isn’t an easy task. If you’ve received the proper education on PHP website development. You can easily get it. Therefore, registering for PHP Online Course is the best option to get the most advanced training.

Create a Website in PHP The Header

In order to create a website using PHP you’ll have to build three pages. They are built on the structure of header body, footer and body.

You can guess that the header contains the title information. However, information about the browser are also included including the HTML standard and CSS references.

Begin by creating a file named header.html then you can add the data for the header.

In this case we’ve created a simple CSS file that you’ll see referenced within its own directory /CSS/. The file will be invoked when the page is loaded in your browser and it will then apply the necessary font and layout.

Put Content in Your PHP Web Page Body

Every website page has the content section, also known as “body”. It’s the section of the page you read. What you’re reading constitutes the main body the page.

Create a file named body.html and then add the information you wish to add within the.

A Simple PHP Website Should include an HTML Footer

The footer portion of the website page is the next. Make it by naming it footer.html and add some additional content. It could include copyright information or even useful web links for people who visit your website.

It could be similar to:

After the code has been in Save this file.

Putting Your Simple PHP Website Together

Three separate HTML files located in /html/, you can utilize PHP echo to merge the three files into one page.

Create a brand new PHP file named index.php using 3 lines of code in it:

<?php echo file_get_contents(“html/header.html”); ?> <?php echo file_get_contents(“html/body.html”); ?> <?php echo file_get_contents(“html/footer.html”); ?>

Save the file, then upload it on your servers, and then navigate through index.php. The completed web page when you open your browser. Be aware that the PHP file that you are opening within your browser contains only three lines.

In the end, you can make a PHP sparkle with the last line. Include a copyright notice that is always up-to-date:

<p>Copyright © CM Cawley <?php echo date(“Y”); ?></p>

The information will be included inside the index.php file after the footer. You will notice that you can see that echo date(“Y”) statement displays the current year’s date in four numbers. You can alter the way the year appears by using this W3Schools listing of options. For instance, a lower case “y” will display the year’s date in a two-digit formatinstead of four.

Utilize CSS to arrange and style it in the same way like you would with other element. You can find this CSS of this website on the GitHub repository, as well as the other, simple PHP web code.

Well done. You’ve just made the first PHP website starting from scratch.


We cover the main things to be taken into consideration when creating a PHP website. If you need additional training, Step into FITA Academy for the top grade PHP Training in Coimbatore with Certification.

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